Wednesday 23 March 2011


I`ve become used to putting on a brave face (but I`m really not in the slightest bit brave), someone who lost his wife asked me if people are avoiding me yet as he found some didn`t know what to say regarding his loss. That`s not been my experience but I`ve found that some people are expecting me to be feeling better by now, so when people ask how I am my answer tends to be "not too bad", the real answer leaves some stuck for words.

I can appear reasonably normal (I don`t really like that word it`s a bit meaningless) in company but if I`m not distracting myself when alone it`s too easy to wallow. Music helps although that too can evoke memories but I prefer the feelings of raw emotion it brings to the constant mulling things over I usually have spinning round in my head.

This was one of those we danced round the shed to, this one makes me smile.

1 comment:

  1. Things like this take their time Sue which you already know. A mate from work lost his wife of about 25 years or so just over a year ago to pancreatic cancer and it hit him hard at the time. At the present he's going to grief counselling classes to help out some. He's coping well plus he's got our support from work as well.

    I supppose it affects people in different ways; when my Dad died back in 95 it hit me hard, then I came home for the funeral and after that I was fine. Just being with the family for a week and seeing old mates helped bunches.

    It takes time Sue, but after a bit it becomes more bearable, not easier, just more bearable. Focus on the good times, the girls, Wooble or anything else such as mega shed idea.

    But the best thing is to let it out and this blog is a good way, keep it up and don't worry, you've got mates out here who are there when needed as you already know.
