Friday 17 June 2011

From the past

At the get-together the other evening several volunteers brought their spouses and one of these kind of knocked me sideways as I`d thought I`d never have to see her again. When she arrived I knew her face but couldn't place it, dead fish eyes I thought so knew she was someone I didn`t exactly like.

She came over "Would you prefer if I left" she said. Ah, the dull monotone voice, click, I knew exactly who she was. Feelings of nausea as memories flooded back, salty taste in mouth but deep breath to stop any tears. "No, I don`t want you to leave, all that was dealt with and finished now". I was civil to her but nothing more, I no longer hated her but that woman's in the wrong job.

I`d always held McMillan nurses in the highest regard, I`d had one of my own once and she was lovely. She listened, explained and arranged transport for me, practical and emotional advice plus what`s also needed, empathy. The lady above was Cliffs McMillan nurse, she had none of those qualities, she didn`t give crucial information despite me asking for it, broke promises and caused undue suffering due to her management of end of life care. She was part of the complaint I made regarding most of the NHS services we encountered.

But all that`s finished and hopefully my relentless complaining changed some things for the good. I`d always put the NHS and McMillan on a pedestal but as in life there`s good AND bad.

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