Wednesday 29 June 2011

Happy bunny

Finally got some sleep but only a few hours and at totally the wrong time. By the time I got home, grabbed a sandwich and did some stuff like washing dishes and filling the washing machine (who says I don`t know how to have a good time!) I settled down with a book and fell asleep at around 8pm, it`s now midnight and I`m wide awake. These strange sleep patterns with a few hours here and there leave me feeling like I`m living in the twilight zone as I`m never having the x amount of hours sleep a body needs.

My life may all be a bit of a shambles but these`s one thing I always keep in order, finances. I think it`s because I was brought up with the, you don`t spend what you don`t have mentality. My only debt is the mortgage and I wanted rid of it as quickly as possible. What happened to Cliff made me think that if anything was to ever happen to me that the kids would be left with that debt. The payments were all recalculated last year and I could have made very small payments over the next 13 years but I didn`t want that. So worked out a very strict budget and I`ve lived hand to mouth so I could pay as much as possible every month. The bank said I was being unrealistic but I went ahead.

My visit to the bank at lunchtime today confirmed what I thought, after tomorrows payment I only owe £400, which will be paid in August and I`m done, roof over kids heads will be secure!! Well chuffed. My mortgage advisor, she`s very nice, said she`d eat her words cos she didn`t think I`d be able to survive on so little. Now, in August I`ll get my new will written up, minus inclusion of the Halifax and I`ll not owe anybody anything, phew! Now I can concentrate on saving up and doing all the repairs the house is needing done.

We`d planned to take off on the bike last summer, going to fav places, rallies etc now the kids were grown up we`d be able to go off for a few weeks but hey-ho maybe best not to make plans.

I think the last time I owned a pair of leather jeans was back in 1990, it`s probably bad but since then just wore jeans on a bike. I`ve got a really decent leather jacket but keep stitching the old scruffy one back together, I should really bin it as the fasteners on neck are falling off and rusty cos it`s so old.

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